Best Nursing College In Cumilla
The institute is committed to achieve its goal by
implementation of the following objectives:
* To promote and build up the nursing skill for enhanced capability in the nursing profession in patient care.
* To meet the shortage of qualified nursing personnel in the country and abroad.
* To assist them to get job facilities for an economically better position at the national & international level.
* To improve leadership and supervisory skills in clinical/community health sector.
* To make use of the most modern technology in providing health care by
conducting nursing research and development.
* Graduates are prepared as capable of teaching and supervising inappropriate nursing and health care settings and participate in the administration of nursing service and education.
* Ensure that the nurse achieves an all-round development so that she is able to meet the needs of the individual, family, community, and thus make herself an asset to society.
* Promotes the teaching and learning process in the classroom as well as in the clinical area through appropriate supervision and ongoing evaluation based on well-defined criteria.
* Assist and co-ordinate with other members of the nursing team and the
multidisciplinary team in the prevention of diseases and the promotion of Health in the hospital and community.
* Practice ethical values in personal and professional life through continuous guidance and counseling services whenever necessary.